[Fiscal Policy]

(1) Tax hike delay raises concerns in social security(6/11) ***

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s recent decision to again put off raising the consumption tax rate to 10 percent has aroused concern among many people. They feel the loss of tax revenue due to the postponement could adversely affect their daily life in the fields of child-rearing nursing care and other social security services, according to observers.

At a press conference on June 1, the prime minister unveiled his decision to postpone the tax rate increase for 2(1/2) years - that is, until October 2019. Initially the tax rate was scheduled to be hiked to 10 percent in April 2017.(Reference: The Japan News by The Yomiuri Shimbun)


(1)消費税引き上げ延期、社会保障の懸念(6/11) ***

