[Business Cycle(景気循環)]

(1)Tankan down for the first time in 3 quarters(10/2)

Business sentiment among Japanese firms, especially manufacturers, has declined for the first time in three quarters since December because of the economic slowdown in China, a central bank survey showed on Thursday.

The key diffusion index measuring business sentiment among big manufacturers was plus 12, down three percentage points from the previous Tankan survey in June.

Business sentiment among large manufacturers deteriorated because of growing concerns that China’s economic slowdown could lead to a decline in exports.

The index for the forecast three months ahead was plus 10, down two percentage points from the previous survey.

The diffusion index for large nonmanufacturers was plus 25, up two percentage points from the previous survey in June. The index improved for four consecutive quarters、reaching the highest level in 24years.

However, large nonmanufacturers expect business conditions to fall six percentages points to plus 19 in the coming three months.

The diffusion index for small and midsize manufacturers was unchanged from the last survey at zero while the figure for nonmanufacturers was plus 3, down one percentage point from the previous survey.(Reference:The Japan News by The Yomiuri Shimbun)

[和訳] 日本企業の景気判断は、特に製造業で、中国の景気低迷のために、3四半期ぶりに低下したと、木曜日に中央銀行(日銀)が短観(重要30用語参照)で示した。





