
(1)Consumer prices fall 0.1% in Aug.(9/26)

Japan’s core consumer prices index for August fell 0.1 percent from a year earlier, The first fall since April 2013. 

Food and some other prices continued rising because of weak yen, but gasoline, electricity and other energy prices went down in line with a fall in crude oil prices.“Without volatile energy prices, prices are on the plus side,” economic revitalization minister Akira Amari said.

Nationwide in August, energy prices slumped 10.5 percent, faster than the previous month’s 8.7 percent drop.

Food prices, excluding fresh food, climbed 1.8 percent, partly reflecting a hike in chocolate prices.

Accommodation fees jumped 4.5 percent amid an increase in the number of tourists from overseas.

Prices of durable household goods, including washing machines and rice cookers, were up 2 percent, and those of television sets and other durable entertainment products increased 5.4 percent.(Reference:Japan News by The Yomiuri Shimbun)




8月には全国で、エネルギー価格は10.5%下落し、前月の8.7%下落より低下した。 食料品価格は、生鮮食品を除いて、1.8%上昇し、チョコレート価格の上昇を一部反映している。

