[Land Prices(地価)]

(1)Averge land prices show smller falls for 6th year(9/17)

Average land prices in both residential and commercial areas in Japan showed smaller year-on-year falls for the sixth year in a row, the land ministry said Wednesday.

As of July 1, residential land price had dropped 1.0 percent on average nationwide, falling for the 24th straight year, while the average commercial land price declined 0.5 percent, down for the eighth year. The price contractions are the smallest since 2008.

In Japan’s three largest urban areas of Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, the average land price climbed in residential areas for the second straight year and in commercial areas for the third year. Reflecting economic recovery, the commercial land price in the three areas rose 2.3 percent, outpacing the previous year’s 1.7 percent increase. Residential land prices in the three big city areas rose 0.4 percent on average.

Elsewhere in the country, both residential and commercial land prices declined on average, by 1.5 percent and 1.6 percent, respectively.

Increasing housing demand on the back of low interest and tax breaks is pushing up residential land prices in big cities and slowing price falls in other areas. Demand for land in commercial districts is firming because very accommodative monetary policy is increasing appetite for real estate investment and retailers are expanding outlets in busy streets in major cities. to capitalize on the growing number of visitors from abroad(Reference: The Japan News by The Yomiuri Shimbun).




