
(1)Germany and France agree migrant quotas needed(9/6)(ドイツとフランスが移住者の割り当てに同意)

Germany and France have agreed that the European Union, facing an influx of migrants, should impose binding quotas on the numbers member states take in, Merkel said Thursday.

She said that the economic power and size of countries should play a role in the number of migrants they are asked to take in. She stressed that without quotas “we cannot solve this problem.”

With the large number of refugees and migrants moving through the continent the French presidency warned that “dramas are being followed by tragedies. Thousands of victims have died since the start of the year.”

Merkel said that while Europe has an obligation to help those in need, those who are coming for purely economic reasons cannot expect a lasting protection and must leave the country(Reference:Japan News by The Yomiuri Shimbun ).



