(1)Broad deal reached in TPP talks(10/7) ***

Delegates from 12 countries negotiating the Trans Pacific Partnership, a huge free-trade pact that cover about 40 percent of global gross domestic product, announced they had reached a broad agreement in a press conference in Atlanta Monday morning.

[Key points of TPP agreement]

  1. Rice: Japan will establish a tariff-free rice import quota for the United States and Australia.
  2. Beef: Japan will lower its 38.5 percent tariff gradually to 9 percent in the 16th year after the TPP goes into effect.
  3. Automobiles: The United States will reduce its 2.5 percent tariff on Japanese-made passenger cars to zero in the 25th year.
  4. Biopharmaceuticals: Data protection period will be effectively set at eight years.

(Reference: Japan News by Yomiuri Shimbun)

(和訳)  TPP交渉大枠で一致



  1. コメ:日本は、アメリカとオーストラリアに関税ゼロのコメの輸入割り当てを創設する。
  2. 牛肉:日本は、TPPの発効後16年後には、38.5%の関税を次第に9%へ引き下げる。
  3. 自動車:アメリカは、日本製の乗用車への2.5%の関税を25年後にはゼロに削減する。
  4. 薬品:保護期間は、8年とする。
