[Stock Market]

(1) JP firms make strong TSE debut(11/5) **

Japan Post Holdings Co. and its two financial units made a strong debut on the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s First Section on Wednesday.

Japan Post Holdings opened at \1,631 per share, up 16.5 percent from its initial public offering price of \1,400. The debut price stood at \1,680 for Japan Post Bank, up 15.9 percent from its IPO price of 1,450, and at \2,929 for Japan Post insurance co., up 33.1 percent from its IPO price of \2,200.

Based on their closing prices, the three firm’s combined market capitalization totaled \16.24 trillion, the second-biggest in Japan after Toyota Motor Corp., which was valued at \25.48 trillion.

The robust appetite was backed by the three firm’s high dividend yields and stable earnings.

Still, Japan Post Holdings projects a 23.3 percent drop in group net profit for the year to March 2016. The group needs to raise its profitability by beefing up the operations of its mail service arm, Japan Post Co., and improving the two financial units’ asset management operations.

The government plans to release part of its stake in Japan Holdings in three stages. It aims to secure a total of about \4 trillion as resources for the reconstruction of areas hit by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.(Reference: Japan News-Yomiuri Shimbun)


(1)日本郵政、東証上場(11/5) **






