[Company Sector]

(1) Businesses see fresh pressure from Abe, Kuroda to hike pay(12/25) ***

The prime minister and central bank governor on Thursday applied fresh pressure on companies to do their part in putting a sustained end to deflation by boosting wages and investment.

At an annual meeting of the business lobby Keidanren, Abe voiced hope that companies raise wages next year at a faster pace than this year, saying that boosting salaries and capital expenditure was critical for Japan to exit deflation.

Bank of Japan Gov. Kuroda also waded in, telling the same meeting that companies who invest now are the ones to be rewarded when the central bank’s aggressive money printing succeeds in accelerating inflations to its 2 percent target. He stressed that more companies needed to be spending further on new innovation and raising salaries to lure talent in a tightening job market.(Reference: Japan News by Yomiuri Shimbun)


(1)企業、安倍首相、黒田日銀総裁から賃上げの新たな圧力(12/25) ***


