[Domestic Business Cycle]

(1) Tankan: Big manufacturers’ sentiment steady(12/15) ***

Business sentiment among large Japanese manufacturers stayed flat from three months before, the Bank of Japan’s December “tankan” quarterly survey showed Monday.

The closely watched diffusion index for large manufacturers’ current business conditions came to plus 12, the same as in the previous September survey.

The DI represents the percentage of companies seeing good business conditions minus that of firms feeling the opposite.

Although concerns over slowing economic growth in China and other emerging economies are spreading, business sentiment in Japan was underpinned by the cost-cutting effects of falling crude oil prices and the yen’s weakening against the dollar, economists said.

The December survey also showed that the current business condition DI for large nonmanufacturers came to plus 25, hitting the highest level since November 1991 for the second straight quarter, backed by active consumption spending by a growing number of foreign visitors to Japan.

The outlook DI toward March stood at plus 7 for large manufacturers and plus 18 for large nonmanufacturers. Japanese companies are casting cautious eyes about their upcoming business environment partly due to uncertainty over the cource of the Chinese economy.(Reference: Japan news by Yomiuri Shimbun)


(1)日銀短観:大企業製造業の景気所感は堅調(12/15) ***




