[Domestic Business Cycle]

(1) Revised GDP figures back in positive zone(12/9) ***

The nation’s real gross domestic product for the July-September quarter was revised to a positive figure from the negative one that appeared in a preliminary report, the Cabinet Office announced Tuesday.

Real GDP grew 0.3 percent from the April-June quarter. The annualized figure, which shows the result if the pace of growth were to continue for a year, is 1percent.

The positive GDP growth is a contrast to the previous quarter, for which the final figures were negative.

The GDP turned positive from the minus zone mainly because corporate capital spending was revised substantially upward.(Reference: Japan News by Yomiuri Shimbun).

Preliminary and revised GDP growth rates in July−Sept.
Preliminary report Revised report
Real growth rate -0.2(-0.8) 0.3(1.0)
Consumer spending 0.5 0.4
Capital investment -1.3 0.6
Exports 2.6 2.7
*Figures in brackets are annualized figures


(1)GDP修正値プラス成長(12/9) ***





当初報告 修正報告 
実質成長率 −0.2(−0.8) 0.3(1.0)
消費支出 0.5 0.4
設備投資 −1.3 0.6
輸出 2.6 2.7